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Stuffed peaches del Roero

Manuela Vullo, copywriterA traditional Piedmontese recipe told from our favorite traveler Manuela Vullo.

pesche ripiene del RoeroThe hills of Roero, in particular in the area around the Canal, they are traditionally known for the production of peaches in yellow or white pasta. Although today the crops have been largely replaced by the vine, There are still indigenous and prized varieties of peaches, as the San Pietro that ripen in late June-early July, ideal for preparing a traditional dessert.

Ingredients (for 4 people)

  • 4 overripe peaches
  • 100 gr macaroons
  • 1 egg
  • 50 gr sugar
  • 30 gr bitter cocoa powder
  • 1 dl Moscato D'Asti

Wash peaches, dry, open them in half and remove the stones.

In a bowl, crumble the macaroons and mix with cocoa, the egg yolk and Moscato.

Place the peaches in a bowl with the stone cavity facing up, fill with the stuffing and bake in hot oven at 220° for 30 minutes.

Serve warm.

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1 Commento

  1. Stuffed peaches del Roero | Newsletter, Saturday 28 June 2014 at 14:27

    […] A traditional Piedmontese recipe told from our favorite traveler Manuela Vullo. The hills of the Roero, in particular in the area around the Canal, they are traditionally known for their production of peaches in yellow or white pasta. Anche se oggi le coltivazioni sono state in p… Stuffed peaches del Roero […]


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