event, prodotti o luoghi CAP o indirizzo

Tomato cerrato De.CO

(Municipal designation of origin)

The name comes from the family that for generations the cultivates and maintains the seed. Presents a Berry to form large ribbed (can reach up to 1 kg), It's juicy and suitable for fresh consumption i.e., how best describes the local definition, is a "tomato food", because suitable for summer fresh salads, dressings and delicious "bruschetta".
Her presence in the campaign of Asti is not dating with confidence, but it is thought to be already present at end of 800.

The product can be found on the markets of Asti from July to September.

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Immagine Non Disponibile

Antique market

The 15 August, every year, in Castelnuovo Don Bosco 200 stalls along the streets of the village attracts many lovers of antiques and collectibles.


15th of August*

Special opening of museums this year, on the day of assumption, the Ministry per i Beni e le Attività Culturali will open to visitors its rich

Sagra della Nocciola a Cortemilia

Sagra della Nocciola in Cortemilia

23-31 August 2014 – A week full of wine & food events, cultural and folklore that revolve around the "Queen" of the upper Langa: the


Saltinpiazza *

Street Art Festival - SUNDAY to 31st 2014 “Everything on the street”: antiques market, of used, the collectables,

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ASTIgiando, P.I.

Tourism and Events in Langhe, Monferrato and Roero, in the heart of Piedmont


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